An Omelette Curry from the Vellaras of Tamil Nadu

An Omelette Curry from the Vellaras of Tamil Nadu

Pavan Kumar, chef at Miss Pinto in Delhi, shares a recipe for omelette curry, a signature dish of the Vellara Christian community of Tamil Nadu.

This egg curry is truly unusual in that it is made with thin slices of omelette (and not the more common whole boiled eggs), delicately simmered in a rich gravy. The recipe has roots in the Mudaliar and Vellara Christian communities of Tamil Nadu; this specific recipe was sourced from a friend, passed down through generations within his family. Interstingly, the Vellara communities of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka are named for the Vellar River, the birthplace and ancestral home of these communities. Typically reserved for large family gatherings, this is a dish that symbolizes unity and celebration.

My introduction to this culinary gem happened on a visit to a friend's home in Tamil Nadu, when his mother served it at lunch. I instantly fell in love with it and asked her to share the recipe, eager to replicate its magic in my own kitchen. Since then, it has remained a favourite, a dish that is not only utterly delicious, but also evokes memories of togetherness and joy.


2 eggs
1 onion, finely chopped
1 green chilli, finely chopped
1 sprig coriander leaves
Salt, to taste

For the onion paste
1 onion, chopped
2 green chillies
1 tbsp coriander seeds
2 tbsp whole black peppercorns
1 inch ginger
4 cloves garlic
5 sprig coriander leaves
2 sprig mint leaves
1 tomato

For the coconut paste
2 tbsp fresh coconut, grated
1 tbsp poppy seeds 

For the yoghurt paste
1/2 cup hung curd
1 tbsp turmeric powder
Salt, to taste 

For tempering
2 tbsp oil
1 cinnamon stick
1 cardamom pods
2 sprig curry leaves
1 onion, chopped
1 sprig coriander leaves, for garnish 

Break the eggs into a bowl and whisk them with onions, coriander leaves, green chillies and salt.
Heat a pan slick with oil, and pour the egg mixture in when it is hot. Flip it over and cook the other side as well. Now, fold the omelette and cut into strips.
Grind the ingredients for onion paste until smooth, and set aside.
Grind the coconut and poppy seeds until smooth, and set aside.
Heat a kadai with oil, temper the cloves, cinnamon stick, cardamom and curry leaves until fragrant.
Add the onions and fry until golden brown. Now slowly add in the onion paste and fry until it no longer smellsraw.
Once done, add in the coconut mixture and fry for about 20 minutes.
Next, you can add in the yoghurt whipped with turmeric powder and salt, and mix well. Add some water at this stage and allow to simmer for 20 minutes.
Pour the curry over the omelette and finish with a garnish coriander leaves. 

Pavan Kumar is a chef at Miss Pinto in Delhi and Casanoni in Goa.
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Recipes are SImple.