Jane D’Souza’s Recipe for Galmbi Chutney

Jane D’Souza’s Recipe for Galmbi Chutney

From Jane’s Cookbook, comes author Jane D’Souza’s recipe for a Mangalore-Catholic style galmbi chutney, made with dried shrimp, tamarind and red chillies. Galmbi chutney is a flavour bomb that elevates the humblest of meals. In the old days, it was galmbi chutney ani pez (congee/rice gruel) was served to all those who attended the community’s church funeral services. More on Mangalore-Catholic culinary customs here.

Jane D’Souza’s Recipe for Galmbi Chutney

Jane D’Souza’s Recipe for Galmbi Chutney, or Dried Shrimp Chutney

250 g dried shrimp
10 dried red byadgi chillies
½ tsp turmeric powder
½ tsp cumin seeds
A marble-sized ball of tamarind
½ coconut grated
2 tbsps of cooking oil
1 medium sized onion sliced finely
Salt to taste

Dry roast the shrimp on a tava for a few minutes.
Grind the dry chillies, turmeric powder, cumin seeds, tamarind and salt with a little water to make a fine paste.
Add in the dry shrimp and give it a quick whizz for a few seconds to incorporate into the paste.
Add in the grated coconut and give it another whizz till the coconut mixes in well. The mix should be a coarse one.
Remove the mixture to a bowl.
Heat oil, add the onions and fry till brown. Pour this over the chutney and mix well.
It is now ready to serve.

Ruth Dsouza Prabhu is an independent features journalist based in Bengaluru, India. She has been writing on food for over a decade. Her work has appeared in Al Jazeera, Reader’s Digest, and Condenast Traveller, among others.