How to Host a Dinner Party

Now that we're facing the dregs of January, we hope you have quietly dropped all dreadful New Year resolutions on carb- and chocolate-free lifestyles, and are ready to have some fun again. Our resolution over at Goya was to host more dinner parties for our friends. So on January's episode of Radio Goya, we chat with a few friends who host a ton of parties. You probably know most of them: Alicia Souza is the entrepreneur and illustrator behind the Alicia Souza store. Nandita Iyer is the creator of Saffron Trail and author of The Everyday Healthy Vegetarian. Sukanth Rallapati hosts some of Bangalore's most delicious lunch parties, and Neysa Mendes is the face behind our favourite Instagram account, documenting healthy, delicious eating. 

With a little help from friends who throw famously wicked parties, this month's podcast is a guide to hosting dinner parties that are fun for both hosts and their guests.

You can listen to more episodes of Radio Goya here.  
Title track credit: Deepak Alexander.